Dear All happy day !
Something amazing happened today ! For the third time on Maamutaa staff and guest rescued turtle hatchlings… How does a hatchling rescue look like ?!
In our case those small turtles were lost on the island, instead of reaching to the sea they got confused and we found them around bushes and near a beach villa.
As much as we like them it is a critical part of their life so we did everything we could to make it as smooth as possible for them and put them back on track….
After breaking their eggshell they must crawl back-up: outside the nest. Then hatchlings must find their way to the sea… avoiding predators…and obstacles. As they are crawling to the beach toward the sea, the females will impregnate from that beach and their first swim will stay in their memory.
Its like saving the location for that area because years later when they become mums and will be ready to lay eggs they will come back to the same place they are born! So for generation of turtles to come lets keep Maamutaa marvellous!
Also from my side I will be sharing the good news not only with you but also with Olive Ridley Project, a cool NGO working with, for and all about turtles here in the Maldives.

2 Responses
Awww, what a story! ❤️ I would love to be a part of this amazing moment ❤️
Thank you, it was a great moment indeed.
If you like this story, just keep looking I will post more about turtles this week with some tips how to get involved.