The magnificent Booby…

Good evening Neighbours!
You might have noticed we have a new type of guest on the island!
It is a sea bird from the booby family!
Here are some facts and ways for everyone to share the island.
First it is a juvenile! The brown colour and feathers will go away and reveal to us its specie!
This bird was found with damaged wings so his previous experience with human is not positive…. let him/her some time!
The best way is to keep 1m away minimum. If you want to approach the bird stay calm and peaceful. No need to shout.
The main rule is : the interaction should be the bird choice !
so if he/she walks away from you keep cool, don’t chase him. We all have our moments, sometimes we are not ready to socialise (like me before my first coffee) well birds have them too!
So If you really want to have a look to the bird just come back later.
Another important notice: please, do not feed the bird ! if you are not a seabird expert and didn’t raze birds before you might want to step back. For at least 2 reasons.
1- some human food can be toxic for birds. What comes out of canteen, kitchen and shop is good for humans.
For that bird canteen, kitchen and shop is the sea! His favourite food will be fresh fish!!!
Also Don’t worry it is fed as properly as possible.
2- you might think it is a cute birdy birdy!
Have a look at his/her beak ! It is sharp and pointy that guy eats and hunts fish! It is a wild predator not a pet. So also for your safety do not try to touch.
I hope my dear colleagues you understand and follow those little words…
…. for everyone to enjoy the surface interval!
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