Not all heroes wear capes…

Good afternoon team!
I hope you all are good. Today I am stepping out of my comfort water habitat to tell you about an unsuspected hero on our island:
The Eastern garden lizard or changeable Lizard.
Not only cool looking and doing push up to impress you, those lizards are part of the ecology of our island and our personal body guards.
You didn’t notice them?? That is because they are humble… Their favourite food is insects, crawlers and that can include mosquitos, spiders and cockroach… So yes they can save you from bites.
Also like chameleons they can move their eyes independently in different directions keeping an eye on you and the other one on the spider they will eat later…
That said do not try to catch or pet, they are wild animals, they can bite, (no bugs ever came back from an encounter to tell otherwise).
Garden lizards use their stiff and pointy tails for defence, it is a tool and unlike other lizard it does not grow back.
Those lizards can be quite cool and quite tuff but no match against tiers… Please keep in mind they are part of a system and watching over us in their own cool ways so please slow down and share the path…
Meanwhile enjoy the surface interval.
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