…. ocean conservation edition.
Dear traveler to celebrate Halloween this year I made a Top 3 of the spooky things I met in the sea, no sharks eating humans here… They have it bad as a reputation but they are the heroes of the reef!
1-Trick: Poorly managed wildlife encounters that ends with harming or stressing the Marine life…
Treat: When you have the chance to meet wildlife be respectful, listen to your guide and/ or follow local regulations. If you are alone and unprepared well some general advices could be to keep your distances, don’t chase or make loud noises.

2-Trick: Ghosts nets and plastic pollution, items and fishing gears drifting in the ocean trapping marine life and/or causing damage to the landscape.
Treat: Be part of the solution and reduce the number of spooky encounters: reduce, reuse, recycle any plastic item you need to use.
Value companies that do cleanups and help associations that are cleaning our oceans, enrol in beach or reef cleaning too!

3- trick the new coming in the family: sunscreens!
Some sunscreen are harmful for the coral reef because as they wash off our bodies and enter the water their toxic components can affect health and reproductive cycle of corals.
Treat: Lets not be fooled by the “Reef friendly” labels as there is no official regulation for those and it is not required by manufacturers to actually test if the product is impacting reefs or not. So check the ingredients list before buying, Or even better: use sun block clothing instead!

Lets keep the oceans beautiful, healthy and as less spooky as possible…
Happy Halloween!
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